Today I had the pleasure to guide students from the HPI School of Design Thinking, who experienced their first Design Thinking project, through a Deep Dive to reflect…
In the first module of our digital Senior Management Program for a multinational corporation, leaders immersed themselves in human-centered innovation. They experienced Design Thinking in collaboration across diverse…
One of my freelance heart projects is the Female Leadership Programm Shift F which is hosted by the Erich Pommer Institut. Together with Nele Fischer I developed one module….
At the School of Design Thinking, I had the pleasure to coach a wonderful team of very curious and talented students in a great project that is of high…
Together with my great colleagues from the HPI Academy we are currently producing a new E-Training and book on the topic of Agile Teamwork in collaboration with the Zeit…
We need more intersections and more collaboration. In order to tackle all the different challenges that we have to face, global collaboration is the only solution. Seeing all…
Design Thinking ist mehr als nur ein Prozess. Um Innovationsarbeit in Organisationen und Unternehmen voranzubringen, reichen nicht nur Methoden und Tools. Vielmehr ist das Mindset für viele ExpertInnen…
In times of constant change, innovation is crucial to remain competitive. This online course will explain how to make use of uncertainty as a tool for innovation by…
The automotive industry is in a huge transformation. Car producing companies have to reinvent themselves. The focus shifts from hardware to software and to sustainable production and changing…
Together with Nele I developed a session for the new EPI Program: Business Development for Success – Leading Innovation and Change in Film and TV. In our part we…