Category: Innovation Methods/Tools Page 1 of 3

Design Thinking

E-Learning Design Thinking

Was genau steckt eigentlich hinter dem Begriff Design Thinking? Und wie kann Design Thinking helfen, den digitalen Wandel in Unternehmen erfolgreich zu gestalten? Wir haben dazu einen E-Learning…

Starfish – Brainstorming Method

When I was in a workshop recently one participant told me, that he learned a new brainstorming method call “Starfish” from a colleague. And she learned it in the HPI School…

Agile Teamarbeit – Agile Führung

  Together with my great colleagues from the HPI Academy we are currently producing a new E-Training and book on the topic of Agile Teamwork in collaboration with the…

Female Leadership – Shift I F Programm

One of my freelance heart projects is the Female Leadership Programm Shift F which is hosted by the Erich Pommer Institut. Together with Nele Fischer I developed one module….

e:course | Agile Innovation Management – Mindset and Methods in a Nutshell

In times of constant change, innovation is crucial to remain competitive. This online course will explain how to make use of uncertainty as a tool for innovation by…

Design Thinking meets Experience Design

I had the pleasure to run a Design Thinking session with the executive designer team of functional aesthetics (FA) in Berlin. FA focusses on user experience innovation. We prototyped a…

Starfish – Brainstorming Method

In a train the trainer session at the HPI School of Design Thinking in 2012 we were supposed to come up with new brainstorming techniques. Moritz Gekeler, Johannes…

Mechanics and Effects of Design Thinking

We are often asked by advanced Design Thinkers about the why and how of the methods we use and the effects they have on team performance and content development….

shift I F – Innovations- und Changemanagement für Frauen in Medienunternehmen

Um die digitale Transformation in der deutschen Medienbranche erfolgreich zu meistern, braucht es mehr gemischte Führungsteams, die Innovationsprozesse initiieren, gestalten und begleiten. Doch nach wie vor sind Frauen…

Praxishandbuch für agile Innovation

Unser Praxishandbuch für agile Innovation ist auf dem Markt. Das erste deutsche Buch, dass die Themen kompakt und anwendungsorientiert zusammenfasst. Erstellt von Experten aus unserem CoObeya Netzwerk. In…