Category: Collaboration Page 1 of 2

DB Station and Service

Design Future Experiences

41 years. 41 years was the difference of being part of the company Deutsche Bahn between two participants. With a highly diverse team in age, experience, expertise, cultural background we…

Working together despite spatial distance

After we ran all of our workshops and programmes online for several months during the Covid 19 shut down, we finally could welcome a group of professionals back at the…

Collaboration is the Key

We need more intersections and more collaboration. In order to tackle all the different challenges that we have to face, global collaboration is the only solution. Seeing all…

VR Leadership Experience

  “Captain, what do you intend to do!?” We had a wonderful session playing the Virtual Reality Leadership Experience at Resourceful Humans. First social but still virtual interaction since…

Design Thinking meets Experience Design

I had the pleasure to run a Design Thinking session with the executive designer team of functional aesthetics (FA) in Berlin. FA focusses on user experience innovation. We prototyped a…

Starfish – Brainstorming Method

In a train the trainer session at the HPI School of Design Thinking in 2012 we were supposed to come up with new brainstorming techniques. Moritz Gekeler, Johannes…

shift I F – Innovations- und Changemanagement für Frauen in Medienunternehmen

Um die digitale Transformation in der deutschen Medienbranche erfolgreich zu meistern, braucht es mehr gemischte Führungsteams, die Innovationsprozesse initiieren, gestalten und begleiten. Doch nach wie vor sind Frauen…

Praxishandbuch für agile Innovation

Unser Praxishandbuch für agile Innovation ist auf dem Markt. Das erste deutsche Buch, dass die Themen kompakt und anwendungsorientiert zusammenfasst. Erstellt von Experten aus unserem CoObeya Netzwerk. In…

How to learn from failure?

Connect&Do Day at the Hasso Plattner Institut! More than 80 very passionate and curious participants joined us at our annual alumni gathering to share their experiences on the…

Social Innovation: Youvo – You create, You volunteer

A wonderful example for social innovation is called Youvo. Youvo is a platform where people can engage creatively for social projects.  The idea is simple and smart: They…