Was genau steckt eigentlich hinter dem Begriff Design Thinking? Und wie kann Design Thinking helfen, den digitalen Wandel in Unternehmen erfolgreich zu gestalten? Wir haben dazu einen E-Learning…
We are celebrating 15 years of Design Thinking at the Hasso Plattner Institute. 15 years of enablement of people from all around the world in human-centered innovation. We review…
One of my freelance heart projects is the Female Leadership Programm Shift F which is hosted by the Erich Pommer Institut. Together with Nele Fischer I developed one module….
Gemeinsam mit meinen KollegInnen der HPI Academy und der Zeit Akademie habe ich mit den Agile Work Hacks im Rahmen der ZEIT für Arbeit Themenwoche die Mittagspause aufgemischt….
Together with my great colleagues from the HPI Academy we are currently producing a new E-Training and book on the topic of Agile Teamwork in collaboration with the…
One of my freelance heart projects is the Female Leadership Programm Shift F which is hosted by the Erich Pommer Institut. Together with Nele Fischer I developed one module….
Together with my great colleagues from the HPI Academy we are currently producing a new E-Training and book on the topic of Agile Teamwork in collaboration with the Zeit…
Design Thinking ist mehr als nur ein Prozess. Um Innovationsarbeit in Organisationen und Unternehmen voranzubringen, reichen nicht nur Methoden und Tools. Vielmehr ist das Mindset für viele ExpertInnen…
In times of constant change, innovation is crucial to remain competitive. This online course will explain how to make use of uncertainty as a tool for innovation by…
The automotive industry is in a huge transformation. Car producing companies have to reinvent themselves. The focus shifts from hardware to software and to sustainable production and changing…