During my time as a Research Assistant at the University of the Arts Berlin I was Co-Lead for building a Research Lab for Media Effects and Reception Research: the Cinebox.

The aim is to observe and measure cognitive, emotional and behavioural reactions of people during the reception of media offers. We run studies with different media offers like short films, trailers, advertising spots or movies. We want to know how people process media and how they react to them.

Setting of the Lab

Setting // source: gwk.udk-berlin.de/cinebox/

Mix of Methods

Mix of Methods // source: http://gwk.udk-berlin.de/cinebox/

The labs real power of is the mixed methods approach. Depending on the research question we combine different methods to analyse conscious and subconscious reactions. We measure physiological parameters like electrodermal activity, heart rate, muscle activity (electromyography), observation of body movement and facial expressions (Facial Action Coding). We also use interview techniques before and after the exposure.

If you are interested in some outcomes you can read more here:

Emotion Regulation in Film Reception

Publication List