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Strategic Thinking – Purpose, Values, Mission and Vision

Creating or adjusting the company strategy and creating a vision for the future should be key to every company seeking to sail on the waves of constant change. For sure…

User-centered Design at Deutsche Bahn Operations

In the last years I had the pleasure to  to coach and accompany Andreas Bürgler, Head of Operations at Deutsche Bahn Station & Service, and his team in…

3. Deutsches Wirtschaftsforum Summer Camp

Together with my wonderful colleagues from the HPI Academy I had the pleasure of running a Design Thinking – Method & Mindset Session for the next generation of managers…

Agiles Innovationsmanagement

Mit meinen Partnern von CoObeya haben wir in den media docks in Lübeck die zweite Runde unseres neuen Programms Agiles Innovationsmanagement eingeleutet. Das Programm bietet die Wirtschaftsförderung Lübeck GmbH in…

Design Thinking for UX Designers and Design Strategists

I had the pleasure to run a series of Design Thinking workshops for UX Designers, Design Strategists and Frontend/Backend Developer who work for Functional Aesthetics in Munich and…

How to learn from failure?

Connect&Do Day at the Hasso Plattner Institut! More than 80 very passionate and curious participants joined us at our annual alumni gathering to share their experiences on the…

Lecture: Analyse non-verbaler Kommunikation

Taufrisch. Der neue Weiterbildungs – Masterstudiengang Digital Media Law and Management LL.M |  MBA wurde in diesem Wintersemester 2017/2018 gestartet. Die Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, die Universität Potsdam…

Innovation Projects in 7 Countries

CoObeya coaches innovation teams in 7 different countries to run lean start-up innovation projects for a global player. With a combination of Design Thinking, Business Model Generation and Lean…

Happy Birthing

I am so happy, that I could be a part of “giving birth” to the incredible empowering book “Happy Birthing Days” by Jutta Wohlrab. Jutta has been a…

Es wird ZEIT Design Thinking zu lernen

Mit meinen Kollegen der HPI Academy haben wir in einem Projekt mit der ZEIT Akademie ein DESIGN THINKING Online-Seminar entwickelt. Was genau steckt eigentlich hinter dem Begriff Design…